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Nos experts peuvent vous conseiller sur les produits Neochromes. Vous pouvez nous contacter à travers le formulaire suivant. Si vous préférez, vous pouvez également consulter notre section des questions et réponses.

Basic Information on Data Protection

RESPONSIBLE: INDIZEN OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES SL - CIF B84465921 - IOT C/Suero de Quiñones 34-36- Madrid proteccion_datos@iot.es- Tel. 91 833 3786- https://www.iotlenses.com
PURPOSE: To respond to contacts received.
LEGITIMACY: Consent by accepting our policy.
CONSERVATION: For a period of 5 years from the last confirmation of interest. The personal data provided will be kept as long as the interested party does not request their deletion and it is appropriate, and as long as they are necessary - including the need to keep them during the applicable statute of limitations - or relevant for the purpose for which they were collected or recorded.
RECIPIENTS: We do not transfer your data to third parties.
INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS: We do not carry out international transfers of your data.
RIGHTS: You have the right to access your data, rectify it, delete it, limit or oppose its processing to its portability, withdraw your consent and file claims before the Control Authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency).

More information here.



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